Welding VS Brazing

January 18, 2022

Welding VS Brazing

Are you in the manufacturing industry and wondering which process to use: welding or brazing? Both processes join two or more pieces of metal, but they differ in several ways. Here, we will compare welding and brazing to help you choose the best technique.

What Is Welding?

Welding is a technique that involves joining two or more pieces of metal by melting the pieces, adding filler material, then cooling it down to create a strong bond. A welding machine generates a heat source, usually an electric arc, that melts the metals to enable bonding.

There are several types of welding, including:

  • Gas metal arc welding (GMAW or MIG welding)
  • Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW or TIG welding)
  • Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW or stick welding)

Welding produces a permanent and robust bond, making it suitable for heavy industrial applications.

What Is Brazing?

Brazing is similar to welding in that it involves joining multiple pieces of metal. However, Brazing does not melt the base metals. Instead, it requires a filler metal to be heated to a point where it melts and flows into the joint to create a bond. The molten filler fills the gaps in the joints, creating a strong joint without fusing the base metals.

Brazing requires less heat than welding, making it suitable for joining thinner materials. It also produces a better-looking joint, making it suitable for decorative work.

Welding Vs Brazing Comparison Chart

Factor Welding Brazing
Heat Required Uses high heat Uses low heat
Base Material Units must be of similar metals Can bond dissimilar metals
Joint Appearance Weld beads seen Clean joint
Equipment Machine required Torches used
Strength Durable, long-lasting Slightly less durable
Cost Expensive equipment Affordable
Skill Required Trained personnel Easier to learn


In conclusion, both welding and brazing are excellent choices for joining metal parts. The process you choose depends on what you're trying to achieve. For heavy-duty applications, welding would be your best option, while brazing is ideal for decorative or when dissimilar metals need joining.

However, since brazing works with lower heat, and brazed joints are clean and aesthetically pleasing, it can be a perfect choice for anyone interested in a cost-effective method of joining two dissimilar pieces of metal.

We hope that this comparison has been helpful in informing your decision-making process.


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